नमस्कार दोस्तों, आज हम बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण english grammar के lesson को पढ़ने वाले हैं जिसका नाम है direct और indirect speech .
जो एग्जाम के point of view से important हैं साथ में इंग्लिश स्पीकिंग के लिए भी important है। जिस बच्चे को ये topic कठिन लगता है आज के बाद वो बच्चे भी इस टॉपिक से रिलेटेड question आसानी से solve कर पाएंगे।
चलिए अब हम इस chapter को स्टार्ट करतें हैं
Definition of direct speech
when we tell the statement of speaker exactly same .this is called direct speech.
किसी व्यक्ति के कही हुई बातों को उसी के शब्दों में कहना direct speech कहलाता है
हम निचे दिए हुए एक्साम्प्ले से इसको समझतें है.
he said, "i am ready."
ram said ,"i saw him."
he said to me, "what is your name?"
Definition of indirect speech
we tell the statement of speaker in our own words. this is called the indirect speech.
किसी व्यक्ति के द्वारा कही हुई बातों को अपने तरीके से जोड़कर बोलने को हम indirect speech कहते है।
निचे दिए हुआ उदहारण से हम इसको समझते है।
he said that he was ready.
ram said that he had seen him.
he asked me what my name was.
Some important definition
a. Reporting verb -the sentence which exist outside the inverted comma it verb is called reporting verb.
inverted comma के बाहर जो sentence होता है उसके verb को ही reporting verb कहते है। जैसे
he said, "i am going to school now. "
यहाँ said reporting verb है।
b. Reported speech-the sentence which locate inside the inverted comma is called reported speech.
inverted comma के अंडर जो सेंटेंस रहता है उसे ही reported speech कहते है।
उदहारण के लिए
he said ,i am going to school now ."
इस sentence के अंडर जो इनवर्टेड कॉमा के अंडर है "i am going to school now" ये reported speech कहलायेगा।
c. Verb of the reported speech -the verb which locate inside the inverted comma is called verb of the reported speech.
उदहारण के लिए
he said, "i am going to school now. "
इस sentence के अंदर inverted comma के अंदर verb going है उसी को हम reported speech कहेंगे।
General rule of changing into indirect speech
1.change of person
2.change of tense
3.change of other part of speech
Change of person
1 2 3
s o n
first person-को reporting verb के subject के अनुसार बदलते हैं।
second person -को reporting verb के object के अनुसार बदलते हैं।
third person-को reporting verb में कोई बदलाव नहीं होता है।
when the reporting verb is in present or future tense the tense of reported speech not changed .
अगर reporting verb present और future तो reported speech का tense में कोई change नहीं होगा।
उदहारण के लिए आप निचे देख सकते हैं।
he says," Geeta reads a story."
he says that Geeta reads a story.
the mother is saying ," Shushi will be a good girl."
the mother is saying that Shushi will be a good girl.
3. rule
when assertive sentence is inside the inverted comma then to change into indirect speech by using that
अगर inverted comma के अंदर कोई assertive sentence हो तो indirect speech में change करने के लिए that का use किया जाता है।